Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Supreme Court Considers Talmudic Law

In December 1999, the United States Supreme Court set a precedent by accepting for consideration an amicus curiae brief in a death penalty case (Bryan v. Moore). Aside from mentioning the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution in passing, the brief was based wholly on Talmud law. The Jewish Journal reports:

"A man who will argue before the U.S. Supreme Court next year that his planned execution in Florida's electric chair constitutes "cruel and unusual punishment" can point to a 2,000-year-old Jewish law when he pleads his case.

A friend-of-the court brief filed last week in the Supreme Court by the National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs, which advocates the position of the Orthodox community, and the American Section of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, backs Anthony Bryan's position.

In citing only Jewish law and excluding any reference to previous Supreme Court decisions, the brief is believed to mark a first for America's highest court.

The brief, written by the father-daughter team of Nathan and Alyza Lewin and reviewed by former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Menachem Elon, delves into the biblical and talmudic texts relating to execution in Jewish law."

- The Jewish Journal

Jim Condit Jr. - The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler

"The Zionists brought us to the Holocaust. It is well known that it was possible to redeem Jews from the Nazis with money, and save many hundreds of thousands of Jews in Hungary...THE ZIONIST LEADERS WHO NOW SIT IN GOVERNMENT PREVENTED IT!" -- Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich (circa 1954)

"To the billions of people around the world who know only the standard Establishment version of 20th Century history, the above quotation is incomprehensible, its implications impossible to fathom. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were the sworn enemies of all Jews, they will say, and to suggest there could be any collusion between Zionists and Hitler's Third Reich is both beyond belief and a slap at the memory of those who died at the hands of Nazi persecutors. Incomprehensible, perhaps, but by no means impossible. The Zionist-Nazi collaboration, however suppressed it has been to the general public, is a little-known, but crucial, part of European history, one that continues to profoundly shape and affect world events in the 21st Century. This mind-boggling voyage is but one of many facts which have been compiled and collated, and which is presented in this DVD by Jim Condit Jr. in this fascinating new DVD entitled The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler. This thorough analysis examines Hitler's career and influence, from his humble beginning in Austria to his appointment as German Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg, from his ascent to absolute dictator of the Third Reich to his role in bringing about the modern state of Israel and the emerging world government."

Friday, August 22, 2008

Public displays of Jewish racism

Jewish Rabbi compares blacks to apes

Sarah Silverman's "comedic" attacks on blacks

"Kramer's" racist outburst

Extremists Attack John McCain as 'Pawn of Jews'

Extremists Attack John McCain as 'Pawn of Jews'

I guess the word Extremist is now the New Euphemism for,” Truth Teller!”


New York, NY, August 13, 2008 … While continuing their racist attacks against Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, white supremacists and anti-Semites have opened up a similar line of attack against his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, claiming that he is a "pawn of the Jews" and an enemy of the white race.

On extremist Internet forums monitored by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Republican candidate has come under sustained attack by anti-Semites and white supremacists who portray him either as pandering to or being controlled by Jews, and as a "race traitor" for his moderate views on immigration.

"While we had expected that the bigots and white supremacists would focus their anger on Barack Obama as the African-American candidate, what has happened is that both candidates are equally unacceptable to white supremacists, who see them as being controlled and manipulated by the Jews," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.

"In the warped conspiratorial worldview of the haters, McCain and Obama are equally tainted by the controlling hand of Jews, who they allege control the government and pull the levers of power in Washington.

ADL, which monitors hate groups and extremist speech on the Internet, has posted on its Web site examples of attacks against both Obama and McCain by haters on the domestic scene, as well a cartoon circulated by white supremacists which expresses their virulent anti-Semitism. The image shows Obama and McCain on bended knee, pleading and kissing the buttocks of a gross stereotypical Jew with hooked nose and side-locks.

The image is similar to cartoons that have appeared in newspapers in the Arab and Muslim world portraying both candidates as being controlled and manipulated by Jews and Israel.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, ADL neither supports nor opposes any candidate for political office.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

http://www. adl. org/PresRele/Extremism_72/5344_12. htm

Original post by: red pill (Thx iamthewitness. com)
http://www. myspace. com/eatingredpills

Anti-Zionist Jews Are they for real?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Ask the Rabbi" by R. Mermelstein

QUESTION: Dear Rabbi Mermelstein:

What were the results of the turn in program for SKS rifles in California? How many did the state actually get back?

Marc Rosati
23 Jan 2000

ANSWER: Dear Mr. Rosati,

Those numbers will never be made public, for the simple reason that the State Dept. of Justice never had any records of SKS rifles with detachable magazines owned by CA residents. Any SKS with the original non-detachable magazine could be converted in minutes, and detachable magazines were commonly (and legally) sold all over the state. To return the SKS to legal status takes the same couple of minutes.

When the infamous Roos-Roberti Assault Weapons Act was made law in 1989, a deadline was issued for registration of banned weapons. The deadline was pushed back a few times by the last Attorney General, Dan Lungren. By 1995, six years after the law went into effect, the Dept. of Justice in Sacramento admitted that only 2% (two percent!) of the estimated number of proscribed weapons had been registered. This brings to mind Henry David Thoreau's essay, "On Civil Disobedience". The lawful owners of these rifles can never again enjoy shooting them, but they are secure in their knowledge that the state can never confiscate what it doesn't know exists, or where to find it. Those good guys (1500 of them) that did comply and register their proscribed rifles during the amnesty period that was later ruled illegal by the CA courts will now have their registered firearms confiscated, if the state hasn't done so already. Is there a moral here, somewhere?


R. Mermelstein

The Scott Loper Story

Scott Loper, a U.S. citizen living in Canada, was a good cop, highly trained in surveillance and criminal investigation.

On the verge of exposing a police-run narcotics ring in Durham, Ontario, Loper was discovered by the ring and imprisoned for four years on extorted charges.

Denied his rights to U.S. Consulate protection under the Vienna Convention, Loper was tortured to the point where he often questioned his ability to make it out alive.